2020 CEC Annual Meeting
The CEC Annual Meeting will take place on Monday, March 23, 2020 at the Mt. Eccles gym. Registration begins at 6:00 p.m. with the business meeting starting at 6:30 p.m. We anticipate the meeting will last an hour with a drawing for prizes following the meeting. Food and beverages will available so come and enjoy the refreshments while visiting with your Board of Directors, CEC personnel, and fellow members.
This year the CEC Nominating Committee is looking for members willing to serve on the Board for a three-year term. Current Directors whose terms expire in March of 2020 are Joe Cook and Patience Faulkner. To be eligible to become a Board Director you must be a Cooperative member in good standing (you cannot be delinquent in payment of electric bills or other amounts due the Cooperative) and bona fide resident in the area served or to be served by the Cooperative; and you may not in any way be employed by, or financially interested in, a competing enterprise or a business selling electric energy. Only current members will be eligible to run for election and/or to vote.
If you or someone you know are interested in running for a Director seat please contact one of the following Nominating Committee members:
- Torie Baker
- Belen Cook
- Deb Eckley
- Jason Ellingson
- Deb Ethier
- Kris Kokborg
- Leif Stavig
Once the Committee has names of willing candidates they will be posted at the CEC headquarters building in the office at 705 Second Street. At that time any fifteen (15) or more members acting together may make other nominations by petition which will be posted with the list of nominations made by the Committee. Nominations by petition must be received by the Cooperative at least forty-five (45) days before the date of the Meeting (February 7, 2020) to be included on the official ballot. No member may nominate more than one candidate. All nominees shall indicate their willingness to serve if elected.
Ballots of members voting by mail must be received at the Cooperative headquarters in Cordova, Alaska, no later than the day of the Annual Meeting, or cast in person at the meeting.
If your authorized voting member(s) have changed please stop by the office to update your membership card, or give us a call to discuss who is an authorized voter on your account. Businesses other than sole ownerships are also encouraged to come by our business office to update their voter authorizations.
For more information you may read CEC’s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.
CEC would like to express our thanks to the Nominating Committee members for volunteering to serve on the Committee.
Questions? Call CEC at 907-424-5555 or email us at info@cordovaelectric.com
We look forward to seeing you at the CEC Annual Meeting of Members!
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